Monday, February 6, 2012

A lot of people, researchers, medical professionals, and scientists have invested their time and efforts on proving noni juice effectiveness, along with its alleged and numerous health benefits. We can find many websites, articles and posts about noni juice’s benefits yet we are still confronted with a few doubts. Some people want further laboratory or scientific proofs before they would believe, but for those who have actually experience the benefits of drinking noni juice, what they’ve felt is merely enough to prove its worth. 

Nowadays, there are still researchers who are pushed to the limits on gathering more facts about noni juice. But come to think of it, how come a lot of people claimed and swore that such juice has made their lives better and healthier. Some may think it’s all a scam. Yet, do we really believe all these people would waste their time passing on these testimonials just for a big scam? Or just to fool readers? I guess not. Such information definitely has its basis; Noni juice has something that might greatly affect our health, and that’s a fact

In this blog, we’re not going to talk about, or introduced another set of noni juice benefits, but we’ll be digging into one of the major aspects of noni juice which may help us understand why and how this juice has been linked to a wide variety of health benefits. Let’s talk about the PROTEIN and the full spectrum of AMINO ACIDS that noni juice contains, plus an overview on how these nutrients affect our overall health. These might erase all your doubts about noni juice!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What's Really in Noni?

What’s Noni Juice?

Noni juice is derived and extracted from noni fruit also known as the cheese fruit, vomit fruit, Indian mulberry or the great morinda. It is scientifically called Morinda citrifolia and grows abundantly as a small shrub or tree in Polynesian Islands, Southeast Asia as well as in Australia and other parts of America. It has a strong pungent smell that becomes more and more obvious as the fruit ripens. Because of this pungent smell, noni fruit is sometimes called the “vomit fruit”.

According to history, native Polynesian people have used noni fruit as a food source and as herbal cure for several ailments. It was also believed that in World War II, soldiers based in Polynesian Islands were taught by these people to eat noni fruit to sustain their stamina and energy. Noni fruit once became a staple food for certain people in some parts of the world including Raratonga, Samoa and Fiji. They consumed this fruit raw and salted, and later on, its juices were extracted and consumed as well.

Noni Juice: A great source of protein and amino acids

Noni fruit, along with its juice, contains a specific alkaloid called xeronine which plays a vital role in cellular metabolism and protein metabolism. Xeronine is a substance found in healthy cells of microorganisms including plants, animals and humans. It was discovered that this particular substance in noni fruit can stimulate protein to act efficiently and perform its essential functions in the body.

Humans can obtain xeronine from other food sources including plants. Unfortunately, the widespread use of chemical fertilizers has altered the structure and chemical composition of certain plant nutrients, making them a less reliable source of xeronine. Thus, these cultivated plants do not contain the sufficient amounts of xeronine needed by our body cells. The lack of xeronine, along with other nutrient deficiencies can lead to illness, fatigue and worsening of health problems. 

Noni fruit is also a natural source of 18 amino acids. It actually contains a full spectrum, a nearly complete list of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Thus, we need these substances to build up more protein in our tissues, organs and organ systems.

How do these Noni substances affect the Human Body?

Regular consumption of noni juice can normalize protein structures in the body by increasing absorption of amino acids as well as other vitamins and minerals. Aside from noni juice, find out more organic sources of amino acids and protein in this article

A sufficient amount of amino acids and protein is crucial for muscle growth and maintenance of muscle tone. In fact, a lot of sport enthusiasts and body builders nowadays take amino acids supplements in great amounts as part of their regimen, so as to build huge muscles in several parts of the body and to burn fats as well.

On the other hand, protein is another crucial nutrient needed to perform a variety of bodily functions. Basically, protein aids in the growth and repair of new tissues. It is also involve in muscle contraction and movement, defending the body against harmful substances, and carrying vital molecules throughout the body. Some proteins speed up chemical reactions in the body, and they called protein enzymes. Some stimulate metabolism and cellular activities, these are the hormonal proteins. When you get wounds and cuts, protein is the key nutrient that will facilitate the healing process. 

Because noni fruit has been an excellent source of amino acids and protein, it offers us amazing health benefits. Drinking its juice has resulted into numerous physiological responses in the human body. This is probably how noni fruit sustained the strength and stamina of soldiers in Polynesian Islands during World War II. Besides protein and amino acids, it is also a good source of carbohydrates. Noni juice would be an ideal drink for people engaging into fitness workouts. Noni juice concentrate diluted in water can give immediate results of high energy level and stamina. These are just few of the many benefits of noni juice

Noni Juice can do this, Can Do that, because it’s high in Protein and Amino Acids.

  •           Enables the body to absorb essential nutrients as well as antioxidants.
  •            Helps strengthen our immune systems.
  •            Increases energy level and stamina
  •          Treats throat and mouth problems, especially mouth ulcers because of   its ability to repair tissues.
  •       Helps regulate menstruation, blood sugar levels and blood pressure because of the stimulation of hormonal proteins.
  •            Stimulates digestion
  •            Helps you build stronger muscles and a fit body
  •            A good calorie/fat burner, assists in weight loss
  •            Helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease because it may inhibit the formation of abnormal proteins outside the nerve cells, called diffuse plaques .
  •             Helps prevent hair loss.
  •          Treats a variety of skin problems including wounds, ulcers, abscesses, ring worm, boils, swellings, scalp conditions.

Listen to Dr. Neil Solomon, author of the best-selling "The Noni Solution" as he talks about the amazing components of noni fruit and juice. He shares to us the specific roles of xeronine and proxeronine in our bodies, and how noni juice stimulates the production of these substances.These videos will help you understand better why noni juice has been considered a beneficial,herbal drink for several people.

Dr. Solomon has been studying noni fruit for nearly a decade. He must be the best person who can prove to us the effectiveness of noni juice. From this video, learn the 21 reasons why we should drink noni juice.