Friday, August 31, 2012

Choosing the Best Quality Noni Juice for Full Blast Benefits

We’ve already discovered the numerous health benefits linked to noni juice due to its high proxeronine, protein and amino acid content. If you want to supplement your diet with noni juice, make sure to choose noni juice of best quality since there are a lot of choices to choose from.
Around the health market today, you will find countless brand names of noni juice, including Tahitian noni juice, TRU Noni, Nature’s Noni, Virgin Noni juice, Doctor’s Trust Noni Juice and many more. With these overwhelming choices, there’s a big chance you’ll end up buying noni that’s least in quality and nutrient concentration. So here are some guidelines in picking the best noni jucie product. Forget about the famous brand names this time and stick to these guidelines first.

Pick One with the Label 100% Pure Noni Juice.  The major aspect of an effective commercial noni juice is its concentration. If you want to experience the nutrients and benefits of noni fruit in full blast, go for noni juice labeled with 100% pure and organic as well. Look for noni juice that is Organic certified by an independent certifier. Ask the manufacturer if possible.

Organic certified means the juice is processed without any chemical additive and preservatives. Some noni juice manufacturers processed the juice by diluting it with water and blending it with other fruit juices to enhance its flavor.  Diluted noni juice and those blended with other fruits have lesser nutrient concentrations than pure ones.

 So never go for these types of noni juice. If you’re worried about the taste of pure noni juice and you want to make it a palatable drink, it is recommended to buy the pure juice and then blend it with other fruits afterwards at home rather than picking up diluted noni juice.  Remember the labels, 100% pure and organic.

Pasteurized Noni Juice. Another thing that you should know when choosing the best quality noni juice is whether the drink is pasteurized or not. Most commercial noni juice drinks, particularly the top brands, undergo pasteurization in a controlled facility for consumer protection. Unpasteurized noni juice may potentially carry harmful pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella and E.coli, causing illnesses.

Fresh versus Fermented Noni Juice. When it comes to 100% pure noni juice, there are two methods in which pure noni juice is extracted. These two processes, Fermentation and Freshly-pressed method, do not only differ on how they extract the juice of noni but they also differ in the resulting juice flavors and color.

In Fermentation, noni fruits are harvested ripe, rinsed and then placed in a huge fermentation container. Noni fruits are then left behind in the container to ferment for 2-6 months. Within this time, the juice separates from the noni pulp. After the long fermentation period, the juice is then drained and sealed in a bottle.  The resulting juice taste somewhat sour and bitter and has a dark color resembling a soy sauce.

In freshly-pressed or squeezed method, fresh and ripe noni fruits are harvested, rinsed and pressed through a mechanical device to drain all the juices into containers. The juice is not fermented but pasteurized to eradicate any bacteria and microorganism that might be present in it. Noni juice which is freshly pressed is usually sweeter, fruitier and less acidic in taste. It’s also lighter and yellowish in color.

Glass Bottled versus Plastic Bottled Noni Juice. Noni juice drinks in glass bottles are more ideal than plastic bottled for they preserve more of noni juice’s flavor and quality. Expect that noni drinks stored in glass bottles are somewhat more expensive than those in plastic bottles. Plastic bottles are more permeable and this may allow air to penetrate. Once exposed to air, the quality of the juice is affected. So if you want the best quality noni juice, look for those sold in glass bottles.

Follow these guidelines to pick out the best quality noni juice in health stores, and experience noni juice benefits full blast.